Data Storage

Looking Back at Sustainability at 2022 IT Trade Shows and How Modern Data Tape Technology Can Improve Carbon Footprint

Reading Time: 8 minutes

The 27th Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (COP 27) concluded on November 20, 2022 with some poignant comments by António Guterres, the Secretary-General of the United Nations:

It will take each and every one of us fighting in the trenches each and every day.  Together, let’s not relent in the fight for climate justice and climate ambition.  We can and must win this battle for our lives”.

Reading these words inspired me to look back on the year of 2022 and acknowledge that we in the IT industry are focused on sustainability as evidenced by the trade show agendas that commonly addressed this issue.

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SC22 Highlights Sustainability Challenges in HPC and How LTO-9 Can Help

Reading Time: 5 minutes

Sustainability has been a hot issue at all of the trade shows I have attended this year from Data Center World in Austin back in March, to the Sports Video Group Forum in July, to the Flash Memory Summit in August to the Open Compute Summit in October. So it was not surprising that SC22 held in Dallas earlier this month also had a heavy sustainability agenda for its HPC target market.

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Ransomware Protection via Tape Air Gap is Surprisingly Affordable

Reading Time: 4 minutes

Bitcoin Image

Ransomware continues to be a big concern for IT professionals and corporate stakeholders as this lucrative criminal activity promises to be with us for the long term. Research from Kroll found that the financial toll suffered courtesy of a significant cyberattack amounts to at least $5 million per attack. In about one-third of cases, it cost organizations between $10 million and $25 million. 16% said it amounted to more than $25 million. This total includes loss of market valuation. When a company is attacked, there is widespread PR fallout to contend with. Customers, partners, and investors hear about it and become wary. Stock prices fall, attrition rates increase, and new business is difficult to obtain. It takes time to ride the wave of negative publicity.

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Open Compute Project 2022 Summit Unveils New Fifth Tenet of Sustainability

Reading Time: 4 minutes

Presenter at OCP 2022 Summit

I had the privilege of attending the OCP 2022 Summit held in San Jose last week with the theme of “Empowering Open”. I say privilege because it was inspirational for me, and I suspect for many of the 4,000 or so attendees as well. The reason for that was the announcement by OCP Foundation CEO George Tchaparian (pictured at right) that the four tenets of OCP that have acted as guiding principles for 11 years now, namely Efficiency, Openness, Scalability, and Impact are to be enhanced with a fifth tenet, and that is Sustainability. It is the mission of OCP to foster innovation in the data center industry and now sustainability must be a part of all the ideas that OCP incubates and advances. George shared his vision that the modern data center will not only be scalable but also sustainable! 

So What is OCP? 

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Library of Congress and Fujifilm Joint Research Plus 5 Other Findings that Shine a Light on Reliability of Tape Technology

Reading Time: 5 minutes

Green and white archery board

A new research report on the life expectancy of legacy audio tape was published last month. To me, it speaks to the reliability of tape technology, be it audio, video or data; vintage or modern day. It also reminds me of other research, stories, findings and updates from years gone by and more recently, that ultimately paint an impressive picture in terms of the reliability of tape technology.

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New Report by John Monroe of Furthur Market Research a Wake-up Call for the Storage Industry

Reading Time: 3 minutes

John Monroe, a long-time storage industry expert and Gartner analyst turned independent consultant, recently published a new report entitled “The Escalating Challenge of Preserving Enterprise Data”. The report, co-sponsored by Fujifilm and Twist Bioscience, looks at the supply and demand for SSD, HDD and tape technologies from 2022 to 2030. The findings and conclusions in John’s report are surprising to say the least and should serve as a wake-up call for executives in both the end user and vendor communities. Below are some summaries and excerpts taken from the report and a link is provided to view/download the full report.

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Flash Memory Summit a Big Hit with Tape and DNA Included

Reading Time: 4 minutes

I had the opportunity to attend in person and present on the latest in tape technology at the 16th Annual Flash Memory Summit (FMS) held in Santa Clara last week. That’s right, tape technology at a flash conference. My friends from the DNA Data Storage Alliance were there presenting too. So what gives?

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In a World of Storage-busting Data Growth, Active Archiving Can Save the Day—and Your Data

Reading Time: 2 minutes

Archival data may not require high performance computing, but it does need to stay accessible for productivity, legal, business value, analytics, and compliance. IT must secure that data against ransomware and other types of cyberattacks. And IT needs to do all this at reasonable costs, even given extraordinary projected data growth.

Active archiving technology is constantly evolving as marketplace demand increases. We recently released our 2022 Report: The Active Archiving Ecosystem: Building a Flexible Archival Repository Your Way, highlighting the increased demand for new data management strategies and the benefits and innovations of active archive solutions.

Top innovations within active archiving include Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning (AI/ML), sustainability, analytics, and compliance.

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