Data Storage

Part 1: Video Series on Unstructured Data

Reading Time: < 1 minute
In this video Brendan Sullivan, Fred Moore and Chris Dale discuss the IT environments that have existed over the past 30 years that have resulted in the mountains of unstructured data being backed up or archived on a plethora of different tape and data formats, and the reasons why the vaulting strategies created at the time do not serve the legacy data issues of today.

Watch the full video here.
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Busting Myths and Taking Names: Fujifilm, Spectra Logic and Iron Mountain Kick Off Series on Reintroducing Tape to the Modern Data Center

Reading Time: < 1 minute
Modern tape libraries are part of an overall data management lifecycle strategy that offer many benefits including lower cost, energy savings, increased security and long-term shelf life.
We’re excited to partner with Spectra Logic and Iron Mountain on this new Storage Switzerland eBook: Reintroducing Tape to the Modern Data Center. The first chapter debunks some of the common myths of tape storage around reliability, access and operations. Read more about it here.
Stay tuned over the next few weeks as we reveal the next four chapters covering topics such as disaster recovery and backup, performance, cost, and offsite storage.
Interested in learning more on this topic? Register for our webinar 5 Reasons Modern Data Centers Need Tape on September 26th at 11:00 am EDT.
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When it Comes to Data Storage Spending, Knowing Your Total Cost of Ownership is Key

Reading Time: < 1 minute
Ever wonder if you are getting the best deal on your data storage? Understanding the total cost of ownership (TCO) is critically important to any data storage purchase decision.
Today we introduced our new TCO Calculator, an updated version of our online tool that helps IT professionals assess and compare TCO for automated tape storage, disk-based storage, and cloud-based archive storage. The new TCO Calculator raises the maximum user storage baseline from 10PB to 100PB, integrating the IBM TS4500 enterprise library using LTO-8 drives and media for initial capacities over 10PB. Amazon S3 Glacier Deep Archive and bulk retrieval service is now also included in cloud storage cost comparisons.
After entering data into the TCO Calculator, users can download a customizable results report which includes an executive summary, key cost assumptions, and TCO by cost category and type (e.g., energy costs, offsite costs, service fees, labor, bandwidth, etc.).
Find out how you can start saving on your data storage costs now. Access the free TCO Calculator here.
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Sustainability at FUJIFILM Recording Media U.S.A, Inc.

Reading Time: 2 minutes
Sometimes it seems like the green movement fades in and out of focus for many organizations. But at FUJIFILM Recording Media U.S.A, Inc. (FRMU) one of our primary goals is to enhance the quality of our environment and the community in which we work and live. Our sustainability initiatives play an important role in that effort through our reduction in Co2 emissions and in our efforts to use recycled and environmentally friendly materials in our own production and requiring the same of our suppliers.
The solar panel installation project at our Bedford, Massachusetts manufacturing facility began in response to a FUJIFILM corporate mission of energy conservation and Greenhouse gas reduction to address issues of climate change. With 1,870 solar modules, our solar installation has produced 2,977,000 kwh since its inception in November of 2013. That is the equivalent amount of energy used by 4,666 homes during an entire month. It is also the equivalent to a reduction of 1,787 metric tons of carbon dioxide per year. Over 20 years, this would equal the carbon sequestered by 7,280 acres of U.S. forest in one year.
In addition to our solar panels, we have just recently converted to LED lighting in our manufacturing facility. By converting to LED bulbs we will reduce our carbon footprint by approximately one third, minimize daily maintenance work, decrease our UV emissions to zero and overall be more energy efficient. With over 3,000 bulbs replaced, we estimate a savings of 400,000 kwh this year!
Our Supply Chain Department has also aligned FRMU with many suppliers that complement our commitment to sustainability. Our pallet supplier is accredited by the Forest Stewardship Council® (FSC® C112029). They responsibly manage their material sources while limiting clear cutting, preventing the loss of forest cover and protecting fragile forest ecologies. Our printing supplier uses Soy ink, a renewable resource, on all of our printed packaging insert cards. Soy ink is biodegradable and requires less ink for the same amount of printing. We have also reduced the size and weight of our packaging insert cards which reduces our paper consumption and waste to landfill.
We have recently sourced a more sustainable plastic for our multi-cartridge Library Packs. The plastic is called DPET and has the lowest carbon footprint in the market. The facility we source it from promotes the efficient use of water by using 100% recycled waste water. DPET requires 65% less energy to produce than conventional plastics thereby reducing Co2 emissions.

Finally, we continue to develop products and services that leverage modern data tape technology, the greenest form of data storage available consuming 70 times less energy than equivalent amounts of hard disk drive technology.
With the installation of solar panels and LED lights at our manufacturing facility, environmentally minded improvements in our packaging, FRMU remains focused on becoming more sustainable. This initiative supports our mission to enable organizations to effectively manage the world’s exponential data growth with innovative products and solutions, recognizing the social responsibility to preserve digital content for future generations.
For more information about sustainability initiatives at FRMU, visit our dedicated website at:  www.frmusustainability.com
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Maximize Research Data Value with StrongLink

Reading Time: < 1 minute
Research data often becomes trapped in technology silos that make it difficult to collaborate across research groups. Massive data sets need effective data management to extract the business value, reduce storage costs, and accelerate tiering between storage.
StrongLink is software to manage all of your data, across any storage type.  StrongLink’s global namespace aggregates incompatible file systems and platforms for easy access, collaboration, and control. Metadata from files is automatically extracted, classified, and aggregated from multiple sources to reduce manual processes. Custom metadata types may be created on the fly without the need for database expertise, to further classify files. Metadata portability is assured, for collaboration or other uses. Streamline collaboration between groups and teams. Centrally control data protection, tiering, migration, archiving and more on multiple incompatible storage types, including instruments

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2019 State of Active Archive Report Outlines Modern Strategies for Data Management

Reading Time: < 1 minute

Archival data is piling up faster than ever as organizations are quickly learning the value of analyzing vast amounts of previously untapped digital data. Industry studies consistently find that the vast majority of all digital data is rarely, if ever, accessed again after it is stored. However, this is changing now with the emergence of big data analytics made possible by Machine Learning (ML) and Artificial Intelligence (AI) tools that bring data back to life and tap its enormous value for improved efficiency and competitive advantage.

The need to securely store, search for, retrieve and analyze massive volumes of archival content is fueling new and more effective advancements in archive solutions. These trends are further compounded as an increasing number of businesses are approaching hyperscale levels with significant archival capacity requirements.

An active archive resolves complexity by leveraging the benefits of an intelligent data management layer, and an increasing number of effective software products that address this are now available. Access and management of data is getting more complex and is requiring modern strategies with intelligent data management techniques. These strategies and techniques are now being enhanced by AI to further improve and automate data management.

Download the Active Archive Alliance 2019 State of Active Archive Report to learn more about the state of the archive market and the expanding role the active archive plays.

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Protect Your Business When Things Go Wrong

Reading Time: < 1 minute

When a storage array goes down, or a required file is unavailable, your business cannot take a vacation. Users must have access to a secondary copy of that file to ensure the business keeps running. This might involve accessing a version of the file or of metadata that was written a minute ago, a week ago, or to restore a replicated off-site copy.

In this video, Floyd Christofferson, CEO of Strongbox Data Solutions, explains how StrongLink allows users to establish disaster recovery workflows, and to automatically access secondary copies on another array, or in the cloud, or to pull from a file archived on tape. StrongLink automatically manages, monitors and replicates data by policy, ensuring the right number of copies are maintained across the correct storage locations (file & object stores, cloud or archive). Data is then monitored for long-term data preservation to meet compliance and governance requirements.

Read more here:

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Containing the Archival Avalanche

Reading Time: < 1 minute

Relentless digital data growth is inevitable as data has become critical to all aspects of human life over the course of the past 30 years. Newly created worldwide digital data is expected to grow at 30% or more annually through 2025 mandating the emergence of an ever smarter and more secure long-term storage infrastructure. Data retention requirements vary widely, but archival data is rapidly piling up. Digital archiving is now a required discipline to comply with government regulations for storing financial, customer, legal and patient information. Most data typically reach archival status in 90 days or less, and archival data is accumulating at over 50% compounded annually.

Many data types are being stored indefinitely anticipating that eventually its potential value might be unlocked. Industry surveys indicate nearly 60% of businesses plan to retain data in some digital format 50 years or more and a growing amount of archival data will never be modified or deleted. For most organizations, facing terabytes, petabytes and even exabytes of archive data for the first time can force the redesign of their entire storage strategy and infrastructure. As businesses, governments, societies, and individuals worldwide increase their dependence on data, archiving and data preservation become a critical practice.

It’s time to develop your game plan! Check out this white paper from Horison Information Strategies to learn more.

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Storage Swiss Video: The Role of Tape Storage in a Tiered Backup Strategy

Reading Time: < 1 minute

The rise of big data, business analytics and stricter compliance regulations necessitate that enterprises retain far more data than ever before. Against this backdrop, disk and cloud-based backup implementations are scaling quickly. In fact, many enterprises are dealing with secondary storage repositories that are ten times larger than their production storage repositories.

Especially for large enterprises with diverse data stores, tiered backup strategies are critical to meeting recovery service level agreements (SLAs) without breaking the bank; not all data is mission-critical to recover immediately in the event of an incident, and thus can live on a less expensive storage media.

As discussed in the video below, tape storage media is often perceived as a viable fit only for archive and long-term retention use cases today, but it can also play an important role in the backup hierarchy.

View the video here.

Read the full Storage Switzerland blog here.

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Managing The World’s Hyperscale Data Growth

Reading Time: < 1 minute

While backup remains an active use case for tape due to its value for fast site restores and anti-cybercrime, tape’s future growth opportunities lie in many new and emerging areas. With the Internet, cloud, big data, compliance and IoT waves promising unprecedented data growth, the timing for advanced tape functionality couldn’t be better.

Check out this new white paper from Horison Information Strategies to learn how the tape renaissance is ushering in the era of modern tape.

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