Tiered Storage: Building the Optimal Storage Infrastructure

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The selection of data storage technologies has never been more robust. Today’s choices range from ultra-high capacity, low cost storage at one end of the hierarchy to very high levels of performance and functionality at the other. These choices define the unique levels or tiers of today’s storage hierarchy.

The foundations of tiered storage had their beginnings over 30 years ago when disk, automated tape libraries and advanced policy-based data management software (HSM) combined to effectively migrate less-active data to less-expensive storage devices. At the highest level, tiered storage refers to an infrastructure capable of optimally aligning storage systems with application requirements and their required service levels. The business case for implementing tiered storage is compelling and becomes increasingly so as the storage pools get larger. Tiered storage integrates hardware and storage management software to provide a seamless operation for customers to realize the huge TCO and ROI benefits available today.

A tiered storage environment consists of two or more kinds of storage technologies, delineated by differences in four primary attributes: price, performance, capacity and functionality.

Check out this white paper from Horison Information Strategies to learn more about these different storage tiers and how your organization can more cost-effectively store its data based on various policy requirements.

Meredith Bagnulo

Active Archive Alliance