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LTO Tape Storage Solutions

A Strategic Choice for Long-Term Data Storage

Tape storage is an efficient, robust, and secure solution for organizations to manage long-term storage, active archiving, data protection, and recovery needs. With exceptional cost and energy efficiency, LTO tape is a forward-looking solution to relieve organizations from exponential data growth challenges.

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Benefits of LTO tape

Linear Tape Open (LTO) — also known as the LTO Ultrium format — is a powerful, scalable, adaptable open tape format that is optimized for high capacity, maximum storage density and performance.


LTO tape is a highly economical option, thanks to its exceptional storage capacity, low cost per gigabyte, and energy-efficient features.

Environmentally Sustainable 

This environmentally sustainable solution provides a low carbon footprint, a long lifespan, and recyclable components.


With its advanced encryption capabilities, durable physical design, and protection via air gap, tape data storage provides a secure solution.


Due to its low bit error rate, error correction capabilities, and redundancy features, this highly reliable solution provides peace of mind for long-term data archiving and backup.

Easily Scalable

LTO tape technology is easily scalable due to its compatibility with multiple generations of tape drives and ability to seamlessly add additional capacity with new media.

Ideal for Various Types of Data

This solution stores various types of data, from small word documents and large video files, to archival data and offline backups, providing a versatile and cost-effective option for data management.

Future Oriented

With a 14-generation roadmap, LTO tape is constantly evolving to provide higher storage capacities, reduced space requirements, and economical options for long-term data storage needs.

Stop Throwing More Disk Space at Your Data Storage Challenges

As data needs grow, it's easy to throw more disk space at your storage challenges. But it's time to work smarter — and more cost-effectively — by choosing modern tape storage.

Not all data needs to be within immediate reach.

You may need to keep it for compliance or other business purposes, but it's not required for daily processes.

LTO-9 tape costs less than SSD, HDD or other types of cold storage.

For enterprises, the cost of data ownership over 10 years with tape is hundreds of thousands — or even millions — of dollars less than the costs associated with economy disk or cloud storage.

Fast data transfers.

LTO-9 supports data transfer rates of 400MB/s (1,000MB/s native/compressed) to ensure fast backups and data movement.

LTO-9 holds more than its predecessors.

While LTO generation 8 tape cartridges hold 12TB of data (or 30TB compressed), LTO-9 cartridges increase storage capacities even further. These higher-capacity cartridges store 1.5X as much data (up to 18TB of native data and up to 45TB when compressed) on a single cartridge to drive more efficient back-up processes and reduce storage floor space.

Better for the environment.

When compared to HDD storage solutions, tape generates 97% less in carbon emissions over a decade. Using modern options for even a small amount of your data is an eco-friendly process, which can help you reduce your carbon footprint.

Creates an Air Gap Between Data and Networks

Tape can provide secure data storage by keeping the data completely offline, making it inaccessible to cyber attackers who may attempt to breach data storage networks.

As Data Grows, Tape Capacity Grows With It

Storage capacities of each LTO tape generation | Fujifilm

Storage capacities of each LTO tape generation | Fujifilm

Why Microsoft Azure Is Choosing Tape

Microsoft Azure is choosing tape for archival storage because tape saves money, supports scalability and reduces power consumption. And those gaps between tape and other forms of data storage continue to grow in tape's favor.

Upgrade your tape storage or discover the power of tape for the first time.

Let’s Talk

High Storage Capacity

Lowest Total Cost of Ownership

Air Gap Security Between your Data

Related Fujifilm Resources

How Fujifilm can help save you the cost of a ransomware attack

Tape storage offers an air gap solution — that means there's no connection to the network and your archives are portable and stored offline. Communications are turned off unless data needs to be accessed, which means ransomware hackers can't gain access to your data to hold it hostage.

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How Fujifilm helps tier your data

All data isn't equal. You need some data readily available to support business processes. But there's no need to keep cold archival type data in your systems, gumming up the works. Tape storage helps you categorize data by need and archive cold data in a more intelligent, secure and cost-effective way.

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